
Monday, January 26, 2009

Is a terrorist human?

Who is a terrorist? Should we shot them at sight? Or what actions should be taken against them? Am I a terrorist? Are all of us terrorists? Is a terrorist human?

Let me be very clear that I would have acted the same way as all Mumbaiwala's did, if victims would have been among my near relatives. I would have reacted the same way saying “kill those non-human SOB’s”. But as the cloud of fire and hatred has settled down, rather silent now, let us spare some time to think were those terrorists human or is any terrorist human? Are those terrorists born that way? Or it is us who made them this way?
Surely no one is a terrorist by birth so it is something during the process that made them terrorist?
Who is a terrorist? Terror is a latin word meaning "to frighten" and terrorism is referred to those acts which are intended to create fear (terror).
Think if we got so carried away just by one instance or sometimes just by listening to our leaders, that we want to kill not only those who attacked but everyone related to them (Isn’t this a terrorist behavior?) then if you are told from the time of your birth that I have killed your family or harassed your people and I am your enemy, what would be your reaction? Wouldn’t you like to take revenge? What’s the difference then!! It is not the individual who is a terrorist; it is the system that makes their minds to do this. It is not the terrorist who are needed to be killed, it is the system that teaches this hatred which is needed to be cleaned.
Some people argue that don’t they have mind to think what’s right and wrong? Can’t they take sensible decision? I don’t know about psychology but it’s there way of making decisions, and in my opinion they do think sensibly. Although sensibility is different for everyone. Calling a red round shaped eatable, an apple is sensible only because we are told so. Similarly when we are told to follow some particular religious believes those become sensible to us in spite of the fact that everyone follows different believes, then how is it insensible to kill your enemies if you are told that killing your enemy is a holy work as it will free your soul and land from age old bondage and you will go to heaven by ruining your enemies. One can even misinterpret The BhagwatGita and The Ram Charit Manas to create havoc.
“Dhol Gawanr Shudra Pashu Naari, Sakal tadan ke adhikaari”
from Ram Charit Manas meant to convey that anyone belonging to the following groups - (drum, illiterate, workers, animal, women) should understand their boundaries for the society to work properly, can be misinterpreted as “anyone of these should be beaten.” Similarly
“Sukh-dukhe same kritva, labhalabhau jayajayau,
tato yuddhaya yujyasva, nai avam papam avapsyasi”
from Gita meant to motivate Arjun towards his work can be misinterpreted as “you should fight against your enemies without taking care of pleasure or pain, loss or gain, victory or defeat, and you will not be charged for any sin.”
If these interpretations were taught to you even before the time you started thinking then won't it had been sensible to you? I think it’s not the individual who is to be blamed but the thinking that has been induced in his mind. It’s time to target the root not the fruits, the world should get united rather then blaming each other. We all should practice being affectionate and respectful to each other to make the world a better place.

"Happy Republic Day"


Unknown said...

Shooting the terrorists at sight is the option most of the world is willing to follow right now. You can't deny this feelings of the person whose close ones are no more - due to the barbarous acts of the terrorists. I won't consider this feeling of revenge to be terrorism. Terrorism is the brutality done against the innocent to attain some political or religious goals.

The world needs to understand the fact that killing terrorists will not lead to anything. It's the cause- terrorism which we need to eliminate. The ideology of terrorism is such that it is difficult to conquer. It mounts all its bullets under the alias of some religious or ideological beliefs. You can kill a terrorist and another one will be ready to replace him, but it is the ideology, their way of thinking - which should be made extinct.

Kapil Khandelwal said...
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Kapil Khandelwal said...

I agree with you buddy, it is just lake of knowledge which confronts us to partial truth and its imposed intensity resists us to think further.

But still, what's the solution? It requires identifying and questioning deeply held assumptions within our own minds. Some times we have to think out of our mindsets which says certain things are obvious, everyone do this, what's the doubt and stops us to think further. It requires questioning, lots of questioning. We need to identify misconceptions that we too, are propagating, unconsciously.

For example, one obvious question you raised here, are terrorists really who they look like? another may be, will GOD really bless us for our good works? This question is really violent guys, but this may clear up many obvious misconceptions about religion.