
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Road to Success

As I believe in Hinduism and I have heard and read more about it then any other religion, so my discussion here will take examples of Hindu Gods and Mythological figures.

Is cheating or lying a bad thing rather a crime?
I’ll get back to this question later; let us consider the other question first:
Is cheating or lying the way to succeed in this world?
Probably answer would be “Are you out of your mind? This sure is not the way to succeed.”
But I disagree with all of you who don’t think cheating is the way to succeed because Most of those who have become famous are the ones who are either cheaters or liars in one way or the other. Starting from the ancient world with Lord Vishnu, Lord Ram, Lord Krishna to the modern world with Bill Gates, Dhirubhai Ambani and our politicians are some of the those whom we either worship or regard as our role models. But can you imagine what all of them have in common? ”They all have cheated or lied? And they all have ruled over the world in there fields”
Based on User’s category I would like to divide my discussion in two parts, one with Mythological figures (Please switch off your modern scientific thinking while reading this section) and other concerning with modern time:

Starting from the beginning of the world when “nectar pitcher” came out of ocean as a result of “Samundra Manthan” both Devtas (Angles) and Danavas (Devils) should have given the part of that but Lord Vishnu cheated on Devils and gave all the nectar to angles.
Lord Rama cheated on Bali and Ravan. While killing Bali he hid himself behind a tree, not even having courage to fight directly. While killing Ravan he used Ravan’s brother against him to know the secret.
Lord Krishna got a second name “Chaliya ( Cheater )” so need not to explain anything, but for just one reference: Arjun vowed to kill Jayadrath before the sunset next day; or if he could not kill him before the sunset then to immolate himself. But he couldn’t find him then to save looser Arjun’s life Krishna cheated and hid the sun to fake the sunset.
Every war from the beginning of the universe is won by the cheaters. The two famous “Dhram Yudhs” (Just war) of Ramayana and Mahabharata would not have been the same without cheatings.

Some of you must be thinking that all of these were not cheatings but the necessity of time, “If Lord Vishnu had given the nectar to the Devil, it would have created a havoc.” Or “If lord Ram have not killed Ravan, he would have made more damage.”

But let us rethink again, “What these Devtas (angles) like Indra (head of angles) do to us except fearing and running from one God to another for help and snatching all our Punaya (result of our good deeds)”. On the other hand Raven promised that he would make stairs from earth to heaven, wouldn’t had it been different from the present situation. I don’t know what result all these changes could have caused, may be the outcomes would have been worst. BUT we can not question whether this outcome is perfect or the one with no cheating would have been perfect because we are forced to think in this way for more then 10000 years. For all these years we were told to think them as path setters for the humanity and their deeds as the holy work.

In case of our Mythological figures as they were example of success and fame, over the period of 5000-10000 years their cheatings are transformed as the earthly deeds of supernatural power.

Bill Gates and Dhirubhai Ambani couldn’t even have started their business without cheating. MsDOS, which gave birth to the huge Microsoft industry, was not gate’s own idea. Dhirubhai’s export and mobile signal transmission strategies were some of the cheatings that made him successful. Cheatings of our politicians need not to be discussed here as everybody knows about them a lot.

You might be thinking if Ambanis would not have used his mobile signal transmission strategies, India had not been having mobile revolution, but this could have been done without cheating by paying the requisite amount first rather than making money from it first and then paying a little penalty for that.
As they became famous and successful, over the time the Cheatings of these modern era people have become the successful business strategies and have become a part of business tactics used by all new emerging entrepreneurs around the globe.

It’s not like that the cheaters get success easily, they have to face great opposition and humiliation in their time as one will face on a normal day if he cheats on someone.
Your all cheats and lies will be forgotten or transformed as necessity of time if you get succeeded or get famous enough to be a role model. It’s not that if you are a cheater, you will become successful. But cheatings are necessary and if you become successful your cheatings will become lessons. It’s the end result that matters not the cheatings you have done or the lies you have told.

The questions remain;
“Is cheating or lying a bad thing??”
“If this is the end result that matters, should I cheat to get to the end?”


Msquare said...

nice put up a different perspective..i wish i cud have thought in a similar manner..:) again you r different and great to read...

Kapil Khandelwal said...

If u r promoting cheating, I don't agree with your arguments. Firstly we don't have the true picture of what really happened, so I consider it senseless to comment on them.

Second we all have got a subconscious, doesn't it warn you before everything you do, good or bad. Nature has its own system fitted inside you, after and before every act you do, you get a sensation, if you can feel it, and that helps you in making your decisions.

No matter what others have done and what people comment on it, you have the power to decide what u have to do. so...

this is my point of view...

PraGar said...

I appreciate your point of view...

Dear Kapil, first of all I am not promoting cheating. I am just raising a question.
As I have already written in the article, we are told to think that way for so long that it seems senseless if someone tries to redefine things.
Speaking of subconscious(it's good you raised this point), it's something we develop over time, (an infant doesn't know what's wrong and what's right), our surroundings and experiences helps us in making our choices which we usually refer as subconscious.
Most of the time it is the FEAR of something that we name as subconscious, and again where does this fear come from?? From the same surroundings, experiences and the way we are forced to think for so long.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a bit different for me, as of my understanding a child can distinguish better b/w right or wrong than we can, because he is more close to the nature than we are and hence he can feel more of his insight.

But important thing is that he's also more sensitive to his surroundings which affects his decisions; and that's why we have a beautiful system called Family, which has a responsibility to lead him to the right path.

And the subconscious, as I think, doesn't develop over time, the thing is that we are not taught to listen it. We learned to rely on some books (so called OUR 'Dharm Granths'), some people (so called 'Mahapurush') from our very childhood. And probably thats why the sense of subconscious is foreign to us.

PraGar said...

I respect your thinking my friend....
but aren't you contradicting your own lines. Does one have a true picture of what really happened when he was an infant, so shouldn't one consider it senseless to comment on them?? as we are talking about surroundings here that doesn't mean family only (think for a while), and Family was not there from starting of Universe, they have also learned things from others who are part of this chain system, its not the family that can make difference because they are the part of the system which made think think that way.
Subconscious(thanks for raising this point again) is not from books. Technically Subconscious is some thing which we already have in our mind but we are not conscious about it at the moment. (Think) where does this 'already know' thing comes from??(That's why child makes so many mistakes, he tells all the lies he can, or try to catch a lizard then his parents or others in the surrounding tells him that he is wrong and it's bad to do these things which get stored in some corner of his mind)
Non-Technically it's explained as fear which we have inside our minds all the time.
Combining two it comes out that Subconscious is the Hidden Fear which we have inside ourselves all the time and when we try to do something which we are told is bad, it gives us a signal which we call as sensation from inside to help us in making the decision.

Anonymous said...

OK buddy
We need to talk a lot about it and clarify many things...

I'll catch you at some point in time...

Meanwhile, if you wish, read my blog:

Unknown said...

hmmmm...nicly potrayed buddy ....but u really have to go in deep to understand the motives behind the cheating especially when u r weighing in Mythological figures ....all those mentioned figures had to cheat to surpass the cheaters is same as "loha lohe to katta hain"......cheating or lying are relative terms ...lying to a butcher to save a goat is considered good it is our decision and our conscience that decides a deed to be a cheating or not.....

And about mortals ..... i am definite that with cheating you can only win and win till luck is on your side the day it leaves, u r gone .... be it charles shobraj or harshad mehta or Enron ......The earlier you mend your ways ...the more chances you have to survive (both true in cases of Bill and DHiru)...but still you will have to pay for what ever cheating one does ..its just that for mortals its hard to find it out ...unless publicised and in case of immortals go through mythology ..... each and every god paid for each cheating they did terms of pains or curses...or rebirths.......